PPQ Help Desk
Designs & Sizes
Plate Types
What are Euro Prestige Plates?
Can I have a space in my Euro Prestige Plate?
What size are Euro Prestige Plates?
How are Euro Prestige Plates manufactured?
Can I restyle from Prestige Plates to Euro Prestige?
What are Sequential Classic Plates?
Are Sequential Classic Plates considered a Personalised Plate?
How much do Sequential Classic Plates cost?
Where can I get Sequential Classic Plates
Why do some designs have fixed sizing options?
Prestige Plates vs Flexi Prestige Plates. What’s the difference?
What are Euro Prestige Plates?
Price & Payment
Ordering and Delivery
Who can I contact if I have concerns about the Prestige Sheeting changes?
Can I request the old sheeting for my Prestige Plates?
What kind of changes can I expect to see with the Prestige sheeting?
Will all new Prestige Plates be made with the new sheeting?
Why do my Prestige Plates look different from previous versions?
Who can I contact if I have concerns about the Prestige Sheeting changes?
Accessory & Bikes
Buying and Selling
Attaching & Removing
Can I order brackets for my plates?
How do I attach my USA/JDM plates?
Can I attach personalised plates to a trailer?
How do I attach my European plates?
How do I attach my Prestige Framed plates?
How do I attach my Flexi Prestige plates?
Do I have to attach my plates straight away?
How do I attach my Colour/Theme plates?
My plates arrived. What’s next?
Can I order brackets for my plates?
Replacing Plates
Quick Download Links
Motor Dealer
Can I submit a maximum/proxy bid at a PPQ Digital Auction?
Can I trade in another valuable plate for an auctioned plate?
Will I be notified when I am outbid on a lot I have a current bid on?
How will winners of lots be notified?
Is there a maximum bid per lot?
When do we find out what combinations will be up for Auction?
What if I experience difficulties during an auction? Can I call PPQ?
What is a refresh period?
How do I store my payment options on my account?
How do I register to bid on PPQ Auctions?
Can I make bids on a lot at a motor dealership?
Where can I bid outside of PPQ’s Auction Periods?
How many lots can I place a bid on?
What is a lot?
What are the payment options to pay for my lot?
Can I go to my local Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre to bid on a lot?
What is the reserve amount for a lot?
How long does delivery take once I have won my lot?
Can I change my mind after winning a lot?
I don’t know my CRN, how do I find it?
I am from interstate, can I place a bid in PPQ’s auctions?
Can I layby my lot?
How do I register to hear more about PPQ auctions?
How do PPQ Auctions work?
Can I auction off my own plates?
How often do PPQ plan to run Auctions?
Can I submit a maximum/proxy bid at a PPQ Digital Auction?
Q Plates
Can I purchase Q Plates directly through PPQ?
Why have Q Plates sales period stopped?
Can I purchase Q Plates at a car dealership?
Can I go to my local Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre to purchase Q Plates?
Can I hold Q plate combinations or lodge an expression of interest for upcoming releases?
How do I get a Q Plate box and certificate?
I am from interstate, how can I buy Q Plates?
How long does delivery take?
Can I purchase Q Plates directly through PPQ?
Ask the Community
How does it work?
Unsure what is involved in purchasing a plate? Check out the videos below.